Sunday 12 September 2010

Scene from blade runner, this is one of the first sequential pages I think i've ever done. the black and white is horrible, kept making mistakes and then tried to cover them up with more ink, bleh. got to sort out all of the problems in the pencilling stage for the next page.

here the best track on the blade runner soundtrack which happens to contain this dialoge-

shame it never made it into the film

Friday 10 September 2010

saw someone do a small blade runner strip and it looked like fun so i've penciled one out to ink tomorrow. these are just some sketches.

might be getting a colouring job so thought I'd practice on a sketch done last night.

Thursday 9 September 2010

tried to draw some trees, readability is awful

Friday 26 February 2010

Scan 6

Scan 6
Originally uploaded by Conzan
still trying to figure out how this blog/flikr relationship thing works.


We have an open life drawing class once a week at uni, the only good thing they offer us. Pretty sure that this is my last term and i'm leaving - i'm not paying for nothing.

Friday 19 February 2010

things to do

need to post this here so i have to lie to the internet, not just myself.

1. learn more - no shortcuts!
2. stop doodling
3. do more finished work
3. actually take the above seriously HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA :(